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Warwick Davis Confirmed For Han Solo Spinoff

In news that's not terribly surprising, but still welcome, we're learning that Warwick Davis will have a role to play in the upcoming Han Solo spinoff, which blasts into theatres next May with Ron Howard at the helm. We say that this isn't surprising since the actor has been closely associated with that galaxy far, far away ever since first debuting back in 1983's Return of the Jedi.

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In news that’s not terribly surprising, but still welcome, we’re learning that Warwick Davis will have a role to play in the upcoming Han Solo spinoff, which blasts into theatres next May with Ron Howard at the helm. We say that this isn’t surprising since the actor has been closely associated with that galaxy far, far away ever since first debuting back in 1983’s Return of the Jedi.

Since then, he’s appeared in a number of other Star Wars films/projects and is often found at conventions, panels and even Celebration, representing the franchise and acting as a familiar face for fans. As for his involvement in the upcoming prequel, which will take us back to the early days of the iconic smuggler, it’s currently unknown who Davis will be playing, but we don’t imagine it’ll be a huge part.

To date, the actor has taken on several different roles in the series. In last year’s Rogue One, for example, he was seen as “Weeteef Cyubee, one of Saw Gerrera’s partisan soldiers.” Each and every time he shows up it’s usually in a minor capacity and like we mentioned above, that’ll probably be the case here as well.

Still, as someone who’s always a hit with fans no matter where he appears, it’ll be nice to see Davis get involved with Han Solo and whatever adventures he finds himself mixed up in when the Anthology film arrives. Not to mention that this also marks a reunion between the actor and Howard, who directed him back in Willow.

Straddling the line between a Western and heist movie, the Han Solo spinoff is booked in for a release on May 25th, 2018.