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Warner Bros. removes Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ trailer from YouTube, and James Gunn naturally takes the blame

A completely unexpected joining of nonexistent dots that nobody could have seen coming.

Image via Warner Bros.

Any time anything happens that could be interpreted as even the smallest slight against Zack Snyder and his original DCU mythology, the knives (which were already very sharp to begin with) will hit the iron once again and find themselves pointed in the direction of James Gunn.

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There are already countless conspiracy theories being touted by the SnyderVerse subset revolving around the studio’s current co-CEO and his deliberate attempts to sabotage his Dawn of the Dead collaborator at every turn, which obviously don’t tend to hold so much as a drop of water.

zack snyder justice league bts
via Warner Bros.

The latest is a doozy even by conspiratorial standards, though, with Warner Bros. making the call to remove the most-watched trailer from the official Max YouTube channel, which just so happened to be the first full-length promo for Zack Snyder’s Justice League. As you can imagine, it didn’t take long for a number one suspect to be named in the case.

Of course, it’s definitely worth pointing out that the second trailer for the Snyder Cut is still right there on the channel for anybody to watch whenever they want, as well as the “Making of the Snyder Cut” featurette that offers close to six minutes of goodness for those who can’t seem to reconcile with the SnyderVerse being dead, buried, and swept under the rug.

No explanation has been given by the studio as yet for the reasons why, and there probably won’t be either seeing as it absolutely doesn’t have to. Unless of course, it really was Gunn’s call all along