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Viggo Mortensen May Join Zack Snyder’s Superman

With casting underway for Zack Snyder's upcoming Superman reboot, it was just a matter of time before we started hearing about possible casting choices for the role of the villain. The latest report has Viggo Mortensen as the frontrunner for the role of the villain, which will be General Zod, as previously rumored. Of course nothing is confirmed and apparently they're not even in talks, Mortensen is simply who Snyder and producer Christopher Nolan would like to see in the role. Moretensen, who broke out with the Lord Of The Rings films, has had a number of fantastic performances lately. Eastern Promises, A History of Violence, The Road, all great films

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With casting underway for Zack Snyder’s upcoming Superman reboot, it was just a matter of time before we started hearing about possible casting choices for the role of the villain. The latest report has Viggo Mortensen as the frontrunner for the role of the villain, which will be General Zod, as previously rumored. Of course nothing is confirmed and apparently they’re not even in talks, Mortensen is simply who Snyder and producer Christopher Nolan would like to see in the role.

Mortensen, who broke out with the Lord Of The Rings films, has had a number of fantastic performances lately. Eastern Promises, A History of Violence, The Road, all great films. He also has two upcoming films that I’m really looking forward to. One is Cronenberg’s A Dangerous Method in which he’ll play Sigmund Freud and the other is Snow White And The Huntsman.

I think playing the villain in Superman would be an interesting turn for the actor. I can’t really see him playing a comic book villain but who knows, it could turn out well. It’s not the type of role he usually takes on but obviously Nolan and Snyder think he’s the right man for the job.

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