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The Unsung Heroes Of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Franchise

For an epic trilogy such as Christopher Nolan's holy triumvirate of Batman films, fans need an equally epic Blu-Ray edition. There have been gift sets, collections, and other special editions thrown into the market, but in an attempt to create the best assembly of content possible, Warner Bros. have now released The Dark Knight Trilogy: Ultimate Collector's Edition on Blu-Ray.

Alfred Pennyworth

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Alright, I wouldn’t call Alfred (Michael Caine) an “unsung hero,” because his importance is stressed over and over again, but Bruce needed Alfred every step of the way, and we can’t ignore that. His costume may have been a butler’s outfit, but Alfred is a large reason why Gotham has a Caped Crusader protecting its streets. Alfred is a father figure, a mentor, a provider, a friend – he’s the closest person to Bruce, connecting to his deepest, darkest emotions.

I’m starting to see a connection between being a hero and knowing Batman’s identity, as it’s like uncovering the secret brings you into the Dark Knight’s world. Alfred was the first to know Bruce’s secret, because, you know, he has a Bat Cave and all, but Alfred never spills the beans. His loyalty to Bruce is built over years of caretaking, as Alfred stepped in when both Wayne parents were killed, and Alfred pushes Bruce to become the success story he is. He’s often been described as Batman’s Batman, doling out words of wisdom whenever the darkness enveloped Bruce after a night of crime fighting and heroism. Who’s there standing bedside when Bruce wakes up bruised, battered, and beaten? Alfred, with some kind of rejuvenating beverage, and a kind word to start yet another day.

But the emotional connection is not to be understated, and Alfred has to make some excruciating decisions to protect Bruce. Before Rachel dies, a letter is left for Bruce explaining that she intended on marrying Harvey Dent, but after the explosion, in the heartbreaking aftermath, Alfred hides the letter so Bruce isn’t destroyed even more. But when Alfred disagrees with Bruce’s decision to fight crime yet again in The Dark Knight Rises, he makes the choice to let Bruce finally read the letter, learn the truth, and when that doesn’t even work, he makes the absolutely detrimental decision to resign from his butler duties, leaving Bruce. After years of devout servitude, swallowing his storied history with the Wayne family, Alfred knows the path Bruce is threatening, and in a bit of self sacrifice, he walks away from everything he cares for, everything he’s built – Alfred walks away from his life, just to try and make a point to Bruce. Every decision Alfred makes is with Bruce in mind, whether it’s physically saving his life or preparing him for the future – a true hero for the Wayne family.

 Three picks for three breathtaking movies – but who did we miss? Let us know in the comments what other unsung Gotham heroes need us to recognize their contributions?