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The Unsung Heroes Of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Franchise

For an epic trilogy such as Christopher Nolan's holy triumvirate of Batman films, fans need an equally epic Blu-Ray edition. There have been gift sets, collections, and other special editions thrown into the market, but in an attempt to create the best assembly of content possible, Warner Bros. have now released The Dark Knight Trilogy: Ultimate Collector's Edition on Blu-Ray.

John Blake

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Debate all you want over whether Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character in The Dark Knight Rises went on to become Robin, Batman, Nightwing, or any other ridiculous theory, but John Blake was one of the many heroes who saved Gotham that day, being recognized by Commissioner Gordon and Bruce Wayne. Having eerily similar beginnings, there’s an immediate connection made between Blake and Batman, and we can sense a strange bond. Much like Bruce, Blake’s commitment to Gotham’s citizens is undeniable.

Blake wanted to be a game-changer, and devoted his live to helping others as a member of Gotham’s police squad, but he did so without the technological know-how and monetary cushion that Bruce had. John Blake was nothing but a good-natured cop who refused the bribes and corruption other law officials succumbed to, and this can be shown though his courage, relentless pursuit of the truth, and every little positive change he can make in Gotham’s time of need.

I also believe Blake sparked something in Bruce Wayne, which comes about when the cop shows up at Wayne Manor. Seeing a broken, hiding Bruce, John Blake exposes his Batman identity and pleads for the hero’s return, explaining the sad state of Wayne Enterprises and Gotham City. Bruce was demoralized and defeated in a way, sulking around his giant, empty mansion, but then Blake shows up, representing an idealism that Bruce once possessed. Blake still possesses that spark for change, thirst for justice, and want to clean the streets, and I truly believe this type of energy helped get Bruce back on his feet again. Seeing everything he’d seen, Bruce was doubting if Batman could even save Gotham, but hearing someone else echo such sentiments, sounding like a younger Bruce Wayne, Batman became a beacon of hope again.

Plus, I mean, he must have been an important hero – he inherited the Bat Cave!