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An Unexpected Chadwick Boseman Movie Is Dominating Netflix Today

An unexpected movie is finding a surprising amount of love on Netflix today, which might have to do with the presence of Chadwick Boseman.

Chadwick Boseman

When Chadwick Boseman tragically passed away in August at the age of just 43 after a privately fought four-year battle with colon cancer, fans rushed to pay their respects by both posting tributes on social media and revisiting the actor’s back catalogue, with Black Panther and Jackie Robinson biopic 42 quickly becoming two of the most-streamed titles on the planet.

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Now, another one of the star’s movies has found itself as a very popular streaming option, which wouldn’t be news if it wasn’t for the fact that the film in question is irredeemably awful, and one of the worst blockbusters in recent history. Alex Proyas’ Gods of Egypt was a disaster in every sense of the word, boasting visual effects that would have been laughably bad in a project that cost a few thousand dollars, never mind the $140 million that it cost to put the fantasy epic together.


Gods of Egypt was predicted to be a bomb from almost the second it was first announced as well, and on that front, it didn’t disappoint. Proyas and studio Lionsgate even had to publicly apologize for whitewashing the cast months before the movie was released, and it came as a surprise to absolutely nobody when it flopped and just about squeaked past $150 million at the box office.

That being said, Chadwick Boseman is the undoubted highlight of the entire production by quite some distance. He seems to be the only person aware that he’s starring in something completely ridiculous, so much so that treating the material with even a hint of seriousness would be a waste of time. Ironically, he’s playing God of Wisdom Thoth, and makes the wisest decision out of anyone involved with Gods of Egypt by having some fun with it. And his presence alone is likely why the film has managed to crack the Netflix Top 10 most-watched list today, coming in at #10.