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The Ultimate Guide To Suicide Squad

The key to a successful universe is balance – something proven to be the case in both fact and fiction - on the page, and on the screen. Everything has its opposite, and you cannot have one without the other. There can be no good without evil, no light without darkness, and no heroes without villains. Thus, we have Suicide Squad – DC’s antidote to its morally conscientious Justice League, and the largely criminal yin to that overwhelmingly valiant yang.

Slipknot (Adam Beach)

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First appearing in Fury Of Firestorm #28, in 1984, Slipknot is a trained assassin with a mastery of ropes – later revealed to be a man named Christopher Weiss. He began his criminal career with the 2000 Committee – an organization planning world domination by the year 2000. His association and activities with that group led to his incarceration – which put him on Waller’s radar.

Recruited into the Suicide Squad, he became involved in a mission during which Captain Boomerang tested both Slipknot’s resolve and the claim that the bombs the group were forced to wear to keep them under control were fake. The result was Slipknot’s arm being blown off – later seen to have been replaced with a bionic limb. Eventually, in the source material, Slipknot was beheaded by The Tattooed Man in 2009.

In Suicide Squad, Slipknot appears to be a part of the core team – featuring in publicity stills already released. It is not yet clear whether he will still have all of his limbs still attached, though, nor indeed, whether he will survive until the end of the film. He has never before been depicted in live-action though, making this his debut screen appearance.