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New Trailer For New Year’s Eve

The trailer reviews a handful of the film's vignettes. Holiday grump Ashton Kutcher gets stuck in an elevator with cheery Lea Michele, Sarah Jessica Parker tries to control her unruly daughter, Abigail Breslin, Jessica Biel and Seth Meyers are having a baby and Zefron seems to have a thing going on with Michelle Pfieffer. The best part is that Hilary Swank is dating Ludacris.

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A new trailer for Gary Marshall‘s latest star-studded venture, New Year’s Eve, has been released.

The film features a plethora of stars, including Ashton Kutcher, Halle Berry, Robert De Niro, Hilary Swank, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vergara, Seth Meyers, Sarah Jessica Parker, Josh DuhamelJessica Biel, Lea Michele, John Stamos, Bon Jovi, Katherine Heigl, Zac Efron, Alyssa Milano, Michelle Pfieffer, Ryan Seacrest, John Lithgow and strangely, Ludacris.

The trailer reviews a handful of the film’s vignettes. Holiday grump Ashton Kutcher gets stuck in an elevator with cheery Lea Michele, Sarah Jessica Parker tries to control her unruly daughter, Abigail Breslin, Jessica Biel and Seth Meyers are having a baby and Zefron seems to have a thing going on with Michelle Pfieffer. The best part is that Hilary Swank is dating Ludacris.

We’re no strangers to intertwining holiday romances, as most of us are still getting over Marshall’s nauseating Valentine’s Day. That being said, New Year’s Eve looks slightly better. Getting to stare at Josh Duhamel for 90 minutes is totally worth any holiday cheesiness.

You can check out the trailer below. Let us know what you think!