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New Trailer For Woody Allen’s To Rome With Love

Woody Allen's tour of Europe continues. After dabbling around in London, Barcelona and most recently with in Paris with varying levels of quality, Allen now turns his attention to Italy and most specifically Rome for his new film: To Rome With Love, which now has its first trailer.

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Woody Allen‘s tour of Europe continues. After dabbling around in London, Barcelona and most recently with in Paris with varying levels of quality, Allen now turns his attention to Italy and most specifically Rome for his new film: To Rome With Love, which now has its first trailer.

The two minute glimpse of the film looks to continue what Woody Allen does best: charming stories about people in love and getting caught up in various different triangles and sexual escapades all for our entertainment. The film does look charming enough and it features an excellent cast who all are perfect for Allen’s material.

Jesse Eisenberg plays a young man who goes out with Greta Gerwig yet has the opportunity to sleep with her best friend Ellen Page. Alec Baldwin plays Eisenberg’s not too helpful father with Penelope Cruz also popping up as a prostitute. Most interestingly though is that the film will feature Allen’s return to screen after being notably absent from acting in his films for the past few years. And he looks to be doing the same schtick as he always does: the bumbling, slightly awkward figure but when he does it so well, who can grumble?

To Rome With Love will open in the US on June 22nd and you can watch the trailer below.