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First Trailer For A Quiet Place: Part II Coming Next Month

Fans of one of the most successful original horror films of recent years - 2018’s A Quiet Place – will be abuzz at the speed a sequel has entered production. Grossing over $300 million was always going to be a ticket to fast-tracking, but I have some news that’ll leave you even more abuzz than you already are (barely a paragraph in and I’ve already killed the word abuzz).

A Quiet Place

Fans of one of the most successful original horror films of recent years – 2018’s A Quiet Place – will be abuzz at the speed a sequel has entered production. Grossing over $300 million was always going to be a ticket to fast-tracking, but I have some news that’ll leave you even more abuzz than you already are (barely a paragraph in and I’ve already killed the word abuzz).

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Trailer Track, a website specializing in all-things-trailers (who knew), have word that a preview for A Quiet Place: Part II is just a couple of weeks away from release. Granted, I have to add the caveat that it’s only a 30-second trailer, a teaser if you will. Hopefully the prospect is enough to tide you over though until something more substantial is airdropped from the Hollywood hills. After all, a quick visit to TimeAndDate.com will disclose there are just 112 days to go till its March 20th, 2020 release.

OK, when you frame it in those terms it sounds centuries away. How can I improve it I wonder? Well, a visit to Calculator.com (why didn’t I just use Google) will divulge that 112 days is exactly 16 weeks from today. 16 weeks. Why, that’s no time at all, right?

I, for one, might use 2 hours in those 16 weeks to catch-up on the first film. I hear it’s a heart-warming, festive-infused holiday movie for all the family to gather around the TV this Christmas. A visit to Wikipedia.org confirms it, with influences as relaxing and easy-going as Alien and No Country for Old Men. There’s nothing that can possibly go wrong, right? Minor, non-traumatic emotional scarring aside, of course.

All joking aside, you can expect the first trailer for A Quiet Place: Part II to drop next month and as soon as we have an exact date, we’ll be sure to let you know. Stay tuned.