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Top Christmas Movie Moments

For every Christmas movie, there is a pivotal scene where the plot of the film comes together and the true meaning of Christmas is explained in its own way. Sure, there have been hundreds and hundreds of Christmas movies, but these lists of films are so rich and memorable that they've been cemented in pop culture.

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For every Christmas movie, there is a pivotal scene where the plot of the film comes together and the true meaning of Christmas is explained in its own way. Sure, there have been hundreds and hundreds of Christmas movies, but these lists of films are so rich and memorable that they’ve been cemented in pop culture.

Linus’ speech – A Charlie Brown Christmas

As far as children’s Chrismas specials go; A Charlie Brown Christmas was ahead of the curve by miles. All of the disorder with the kid’s play comes to an apex with Linus and his recitation of the bible verse, explaining the miracle of Jesus’ birth. It’s so strange to see such a clear and very Christian message in a kids show, but it also brought the spirit of Christmas to the homes of many families. And while Christianity might not be everyone’s cup of tea; Linus makes the true meaning of Christmas clear for all of the confused and lost Charlie Browns of the world.

Ralphie gets the Red Ryder B.B. gun – A Christmas Story

We all had that one Christmas gift that we thought we’d never get (mine was a Nintendo 64 at the peak of its popularity) and seeing Ralphie Parker from A Christmas Story get his Red Rider B.B. gun always makes me think about the hope that Christmas brings. Also, I think everyone wanted a B.B. gun after watching this.

“God Bless us, everyone” – A Christmas Carol (1951)

It’s the definitive moment in Christmas novels and movies, when Tiny Tim toasts at his family’s meager Christmas dinner and says “God bless us, everyone.” The quote is a part of pop culture, but the 1951 version was especially moving with Glyn Dearman playing the wonderfully happy and hopeful Tim Cratchit. Tiny Tim is so cheerful in this film and he plays an amazing polar opposite of Alastair Sim’s Scrooge.

Harry Bailey toasts his brother George – It’s a Wonderful Life

And the best Christmas movie moment goes to the Christmas classic; It’s a Wonderful Life. The scene when George Bailey, played magnificently by James Stewart, arrives at his home after his suicide contemplation to find the entire town coming to help him out from the horrible Mr. Potter’s grasp. It’s the moment in the film when we know that George Bailey did everything right and that he’s led a perfect life, just as his brother, Harry Bailey, toasts his brother and says “A toast to my big brother George: the richest man in town.” If that isn’t a Christmas miracle, or one of the best Christmas moments of all time: then I don’t know anything about Christmas.