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Testosterone Overload: Top Ten Films To Pump You Up

Are you guys ready to celebrate the release of Sylvester Stallone's action extravaganza The Expendables 2? In honor of the film, let's all grab some beef jerky, crack open a cold one, and assume the pump up position - it's time to count down the top ten most testosterone ridden movies of all time.

7. Scarface

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Sans a grizzly ending, how could one resist the temptation of emulating Tony Montana’s grandiose lifestyle?

Scarface‘s testosterone appeal comes not in rage fueled physical fighting, but the mammoth size of one man’s brass balls.

Like so many before him, Tony Montana wanted nothing more than to embrace the newfound freedoms and opportunities that America so proudly advertised. It was a fresh start, a new life, and a real chance for the Cuban immigrant to make a name for himself.

Full of ambition and drive, Tony adopts a simple yet strong personal mantra for success: the world is yours. Montana takes everything he wants – women, business, friends, even lives. The man is his own personal god, idolized by minions and feared by competition. Tony Montana represents the unrelenting confidence every man or woman wishes to embody, but also keeps in check the dangers such power can invite.

Live bold, fight your hardest, never back down, and go out on your own terms. You only live once, right?