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Top 10 Must-See Summer Movies You Don’t Know About Yet

Avengers: Age of Ultron has Hulk-smashed its way through its first two weekends and is on track to be one of the year's most profitable pics, but there's much more at the multiplex than Marvel heroes this summer. In fact, looking at the lineup of reboots, sequels and slick blockbuster titles, 2015 is looking like one of the most sprawling summers for popcorn pleasures in ages. But what's really strange is how many of the most interesting titles have flown so far under the radar, dominated on social media by juggernaut films like Mad Max: Fury Road, Tomorrowland, Jurassic World and Ant-Man. Here are my picks for the 10 movies you might not yet know about - but that you absolutely have to carve out the time to see if you want to get the most out of your cinema trips this summer.

3) Mr. Holmes (opens July 17, limited)

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All Sherlocked out, are you? Try this deer-stalker on for size – Sir Ian McKellen takes on the role of Baker Street’s most legendary detective, who is facing the end of days after a lengthy career of solving mysteries the world over. With his mental functions slowly but surely leaving him, Holmes revisits the one case he could never solve, in hopes of laying one demon to rest before he passes on, only to find himself grappling with much larger questions of love and life.

This is a far cry from the heartthrob Holmeses that Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch brought to life in recent years, but Mr. Holmes looks like a classy, clever addition to the literary icon’s filmography. It’s certainly not a blockbuster and, sandwiched in between Jurassic World and Inside Out, it may not find a big audience – but something tells me that the film is going to be well-worth the price of admission.