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Top 10 Moments From Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy

Which ever way you cut it, Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, which included Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, is now at an end. Never again will Christian Bale suit up as the Caped Crusader and never again will Mr. Nolan step behind the camera to direct what we've all come to know as the best superhero series of all time.

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He’s Back! – The Dark Knight Rises

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The build up to finally feasting our eyes on Batman in The Dark Knight Rises is a long and tantalizing one. For quite a while we only get to see Bruce Wayne, an old and crippled Bruce Wayne at that. This is a long film and it has no problem building up to the return of our beloved hero. We sit there with great anticipation, just waiting for Bruce to come to his senses and throw on the cape.

And, when he finally does decide to take to the streets of Gotham again, Nolan re-introduces him in spectacular fashion. Out of nowhere the Caped Crusader flies in to assist the cops in their pursuit of Bane and his men. It’s a incredibly exciting moment as we’ve been waiting four years to see Batman on screen again.

As Batman races in on his Batpod and fires his trusty EMP, cheers arose from the audience in my theatre. It is such a triumphant moment and one that we’ve been waiting to see for far too long.

As Batman chases after Bane and the Gotham PD chase after Batman, Nolan takes us through the streets of Gotham with fluid camera movement and spot on editing. Like all the chase scenes we’ve seen in his trilogy, it’s nailbiting, suspenseful and absolutely perfect.

To top it all off, just when the police think that they have Batman cornered into an alley, he fires up the Bat (giving us our first real look at the epic flying machine) and zooms off, leaving them all stunned.

It’s one of my favorite scenes of the film and a fantastic way to bring Batman back after all these years of waiting.

The End – The Dark Knight Rises

Honestly, I really didn’t think that Christopher Nolan would be able to end his epic trilogy in a fitting way. To compose a final scene for such a celebrated and monumental trilogy is a daunting task and one that I thought could not be done. Now, having seen the film, I can safely say that being the genius he is, Nolan pulled off what I had considered an impossible task.

Both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight ended wonderfully. In fact, Nolan has always been quite good at putting together ending scenes for his films. Now that his Dark Knight trilogy has come to a close, he has provided a totally appropriate and beautiful ending, one that is reminiscent of the poetic ending to Inception, as it plays the ambiguity card and leaves us scratching our heads as we depart from the theatre.

Was Alfred imagining things at the end? Is John Blake going to become the next Batman? Will he continue on as Robin? Did Batman really eject before the bomb went off? Did he even have time to?  So many questions and so many different interpretations.

The ending to The Dark Knight Rises fit in so well with the themes that have been presented to us throughout the trilogy. Everything is wrapped up and despite the ambiguity, I felt no frustration as the credits came up, only happiness, pure happiness.

It was perfect in so many ways and it easily stands as one of the best trilogy endings of all time.

Now it’s your turn, sound off in the comments and tell us what your favorite moments are and why!