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Top 10 Moments From Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight Trilogy

Which ever way you cut it, Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, which included Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, is now at an end. Never again will Christian Bale suit up as the Caped Crusader and never again will Mr. Nolan step behind the camera to direct what we've all come to know as the best superhero series of all time.

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Busting Out The Batpod – The Dark Knight

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Aside from featuring a mind-blowing trailer truck flip, the Batpod scene in The Dark Knight is a masterfully crafted scene that stands as one of the trilogy’s best. For one, that Batpod is just so freaking cool, isn’t it? Watching the Bat zip through the busy streets (as well as through the indoor shopping plaza) on his ultra-sleek and uber-cool Batpod is a real thrill.

And then there’s that trailer truck flip, my god, that trailer truck flip. Mind-blowing? Yes! Jaw-dropping? Most definitely!

The scene is also an excellent example of just how twisted the Joker is, as we see him taunt Batman to come at him. “Hit me, hit me!” yells the Joker. Batman charges full speed ahead at his foe but pulls out of his beeline at the last moment, not able to go through with it.

The Batpod flies out from underneath our hero and leaves him injured, lying on the street. A smirk crosses the Joker’s face and he walks over to his fallen nemesis. Just as he’s about to extract some brutal revenge, Commissioner Gordon comes in to save the day, and put and end to a thrilling scene.

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