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The Top 10 Films Of 2013 So Far

By and large, 2013 has been a middling year for cinema. The first four months of the year offered exceptionally little in the way of truly interesting or compelling commercially-released content, instead delivering a long string of uninspired, unengaging material that, while rarely awful, only occasionally piqued my interest. I found myself skipping a lot more films than I normally would, in part because I was busy working on other projects, and in part because what Hollywood had to offer seemed almost aggressively dull.

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[h2]7. Monsters University[/h2]

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I had almost given up hope we would see another truly great Pixar film any time in the near future, after Cars 2 and Brave disappointed me so completely, and I certainly did not expect Monsters University – a prequel absolutely no one asked for or needed – to be the company’s big creative comeback. Yet against all odds, Monsters University works, and it works very, very well. On all levels, as a family-friendly college comedy, a prequel, and a supplement to the original feature, Monsters University is an extremely solid creative success, a minor-key work for Pixar on the whole, yet one that absolutely lives up to the artistic precedent the company has set.

The film simply feels like a Pixar movie, top to bottom, and after two consecutive left-turns into lazy, generic studio animation territory, it is an extreme pleasure to watch a new Pixar movie with a real voice. Even during those stretches when the film is a bit too mired in convention, Monsters University boasts terrific characters, gorgeous and clever visuals, truly intelligent and surprising humor, and a wildly poignant emotional undercurrent – climaxing in one of the single greatest scenes Pixar has ever delivered – all of which serves to distinguish the film as a cut above the rest, exactly like a Pixar film should.

Read my full review here.

Monsters University is now playing in theatres everywhere.

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