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Tom Holland reveals his favorite Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-Man moments

The possibilities of Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s multiversal plot are setting the internet on fire. So far we know that Alfred Molina’s Doctor Octopus, Jamie Foxx’s Electro, and Willem Dafoe’s Green Goblin are joining the party, and there’s solid evidence that Sandman and Lizard will also be present. Our villainous bases are covered, but speculation has reached fever pitch regarding whether Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield will be slipping back into their Spidey suits.

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The current consensus is that they are. We’ve seen convincing leaked shots of all three Spider-Men together, and there appear to be characters digitally edited out of the trailer. We’ll find out for certain very soon, but in what might be an additional telling move, Tom Holland has revealed his favorite moments from his predecessors.

Speaking with the Jakes Takes YouTube channel, he revealed his top Maguire moment:

“I love the final battle between him and the Goblin. I think something that I really wish we had done with our movies is kind of the tattered suit stuff. You know how he always has the rips in his costumes and the rips on the mask? I really like that because it brought a kind of realism to the injuries that Spider-Man can get.”

But his pick for Garfield may be more controversial, as it was one of the most criticized aspects of The Amazing Spider-Man:

“In Andrew’s movies, I love the skateboarding sequence actually. I know that’s kind of far from what Peter Parker is, and it was kind of a bit of a step away, but I really enjoyed that sequence. I thought it was really fun. I thought the way they brought that aspect of Peter Parker’s life was really interesting and really fun.”

Holland concluded by saying he thinks the key to a successful Spider-Man is showing that the character is vulnerable and that he’s putting his life in danger by fighting his villains, even with his superpowers:

“For me, I just like the idea that they’re not invincible and that kind of stuff, it adds stakes,” 

The No Way Home review embargo lifts on Dec. 13, so after that we should know whether Maguire and Garfield are in the film or not. Those of you who’re spoiler-averse may have a rough week, as Dec. 15 will see the international release of the movie, after which the internet will be absolutely buzzing about what happens.

The official U.S. release comes two days later on Dec. 17, so you may want to filter your social media accounts accordingly in the days leading up to when you can go see it yourself.

Spider-Man: No Way Home swings into theaters imminently.