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Tom Holland happy to be Spider-Man in his 30s if Miles Morales is around

Tom Holland Happy to Be Spider-Man in His 30s if Miles Morales Is Around

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Image via Sony / Marvel Studios

Tom Holland has clarified his future as Spider-Man on more than one occasion, and even went out of his way to call out the press for misinterpreting his comments, after the internet was awash with talk the actor wouldn’t be playing the role once he hit 30.

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Given that producer Amy Pascal has made it perfectly clear she wants another trilogy with Holland in the lead, without even mentioning the possibility of additional crossovers occurring in both Marvel Studios and Sony’s respective shared universes, there’s little chance he’ll be hanging up the spandex for good by the time he reaches the milestone in June 2026.

In an interview with Esquire Middle East, Holland was forced to dismiss the speculation on his future once again, but this time he threw in the additional caveat that he’d love to have Miles Morales or one of the various other Spider-People around to take on the mantle.

“What I basically was trying to say is that if I am 30, still playing Spider-Man, and I haven’t passed on the baton to a Miles Morales or a Spider-Woman or something more diverse, then I will have done something wrong in the sense of the duties I have to the character. Not, like, ‘If I’m playing Spider-Man in my 30s, I’m some washed-up has-been.'”

The Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn’t reboot its own in-house franchises, so the most logical next step once Holland decides his time as Peter Parker is up, would be to have somebody like Miles pick up the baton. It might not happen for a while, but it’d be a fitting way to end one era of Spider-Man while simultaneously kicking off the next.