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Tom Hardy Says There’s A Couple Of Mad Max Sequels Floating Around

When George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road roared into theaters back in 2015, it took just about everyone by surprise. Presenting a batshit insane, over-the-top spectacle full of non-stop action, mind-blowing stunt work and excitement beyond measure, it was one hell of a film and had many critics calling it the year's best. As such, it was no surprise when chatter of sequels and spinoffs began, but here we are, now in 2017 and still nothing concrete has materialized.


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When George Miller’s Mad Max: Fury Road roared into theaters back in 2015, it took just about everyone by surprise. Presenting a batshit insane, over-the-top spectacle full of non-stop action, mind-blowing stunt work and excitement beyond measure, it was one hell of a film and had many critics calling it the year’s best. As such, it was no surprise when chatter of sequels and spinoffs began, but here we are, now in 2017 and still nothing concrete has materialized.

A Furiosa-centric prequel was heavily discussed at one point while the studio also promised us a proper sequel. Miller has assured us that everything is still on track, but without anything tangible to show just yet, it’s feeling like it may be a pretty long time before another movie actually comes to fruition. Thankfully, that hasn’t deterred the cast, as both leads (Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy) have their expressed interest in returning for more.

The actress made her desire to reprise her role known back in the spring and now, Hardy has chimed in as well. Speaking to The Wrap, he told them that additional entries into the Mad Max universe are still in the works and at this point, he’s just waiting for Warner Bros. to make the call.

“Yeah I believe so! I don’t know when that starts, but I believe that’s in the books. There’s a couple of those floating around. I’m waiting for the call to come. It was so good, man.”

We can’t say for sure what’s going to come next for George Miller’s franchise, but from what we’ve been hearing, it could very well be that aforementioned prequel film, which would star both Theron and Hardy but place the focus on the former’s character, Furiosa. Then again, with Warner Bros. still having not formally announced anything, for all we know they may end up going a different route.

Regardless of what shape the next Mad Max film takes, it’s nice to hear that everyone’s still on board to do more. Fury Road truly was one of the best action movies of the last decade or so and absolutely brilliant on every level. To see more from this world would only be a good thing and we hope that the studio will end up putting together another outing sooner rather than later.