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Tom Cruise Is Back In Jack Reacher: Never Go Back IMAX Trailer

We can say a lot of nasty things about Tom Cruise, but one thing is certain: he's one hell of an action star. He's made the Jack Reacher franchise his own, surprising us all with the exciting action of the first film. Now, he's back for more in the improbably named sequel, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back.

We can say a lot of nasty things about Tom Cruise, but one thing is certain: he’s one hell of an action star. He’s made the Jack Reacher franchise his own, surprising us all with the exciting action of the first film. Now, he’s back for more in the improbably named sequel, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back.

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Jack Reacher: Never Go Back picks up with Major Susan Turner (Cobie Smulders), the head of Reacher’s old investigative unit, being arrested for treason. So, Reacher sets out to prove her innocent, uncovering a vast government conspiracy (of course) in the process. The film is actually based on the 18th novel of Lee Child’s long-running book series featuring Reacher, a former Major in the United States Army’s Military Police Corps (who’s also 6 foot 5, so Cruise really had to stretch for this role).

But do we really care about the plot? Not according to this IMAX trailer, which gives us no characterization and little plot, but plenty of badass one-liners and explosions. We have to remember that this is the IMAX trailer, though, and close personal dramatic scenes are not the reason for seeing a film in IMAX. We’re all just waiting for the explosions, and it looks like Jack Reacher: Never Go Back will not fail to deliver.

Cruise is on point here, looking as small and tough as ever, facing down all the bad guys with the same icy stare that made him so beloved in his Mission: Impossible franchise and various action films over the years. Is this sequel going to be a big-time action film without much plot? Probably. But if it’s a good action film without much plot, I’ll be OK with that. There’s much to be said for simplicity, and I don’t ask for much.

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back busts its way into cinemas on October 21.