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‘Thunderbolts’ and ‘Skeleton Crew’ director opens up on getting to play in the Marvel and ‘Star Wars’ sandboxes

And, as they teach in you kindergarten, the sandbox must be shared.

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via Marvel Studios

Say what you will about franchise films, cinematic universes, and the age of continuity right now, but there’s absolutely no denying that plunging into those worlds as a writer or director is one of the most delectable creative challenges out there, something Jake Schreier is discovering firsthand.

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The six-time Beef director is helming both Thunderbolts (the Marvel Cinematic Universe‘s antihero team-up film due next year) and an episode of Skeleton Crew (effectively the Star Wars equivalent of The Goonies), so it sounds like he has his hands full in the best possible way.

And just as well, Schreier was pleasantly astounded by the next-level collaboration that these two lucrative franchises call their backbones. In a recent interview with ScreenRant, the director noted the sheer number of perspectives that come into play with Marvel and Star Wars projects, and how the more fluid nature of those diverse, fictitious sandboxes elevate the fun factor of the creative process immaculately.

“The thing you’re struck by is just, there’s this incredible teams upon teams of artists that love this stuff, and all have such different perspectives and different ideas to bring to it. What’s so exciting about these worlds is you get to explore a little bit more, and you get to maybe be wrong and step back, or adjust things or take a different perspective on what something should look like, or what world do you want to go into.”

It’s good to know that Schreier is enjoying his time in the franchise space, but he’s probably dying to get the opportunity to discuss the specifics of his experience; three separate times so far has the director been forced to give excruciatingly vague answers about the ins and outs of Thunderbolts, and while we’re sure he’d like to share more just as much as we would like him to, we’re best off taking solace in the fact that he’s having a good time with it.