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But I Thought That Was The Last Exorcism

Sad news today folks. THR is unfortunately reporting that the producers of The Last Exorcism are moving ahead with a sequel. Yes I know, it's horrible. I'll give you a moment to digest that bit of news, it may be tough to swallow.

the last exorcism

the last exorcism

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Sad news today folks. THR is unfortunately reporting that the producers of The Last Exorcism are moving ahead with a sequel. Yes I know, it’s horrible. I’ll give you a moment to digest that bit of news, it may be tough to swallow.

Ready? Let’s move on. Writer Damien Chazelle will be penning the follow up to Daniel Stamm‘s ridiculous 2010 horror flick. Studio Canal will finance with production set to begin this Fall.

The found footage flick did surprisingly well at the box office but my God was it an awful film. It was the worst film I saw in 2010 and I really didn’t find many redeeming qualities in it. Here’s what I said in my original review:

The Last Exorcism is not only the worst movie of the summer but one of the worst films I’ve seen in a long time. This film is bad, very bad. It really doesn’t offer much and the little good that it does have is completely overshadowed by the absolutely asinine ending.

Obviously, I didn’t enjoy it. I really don’t expect the sequel to be any better and so, I’ll likely be staying out of theatres for this one. Plus, exorcism films in general are usually pretty bad.

The Exorcist already did it and that film did it well, no one else will ever be able to give us something better, or more importantly, no one else will ever be able to give us something unique. Every exorcist film since the 70’s horror classic has just been a ripoff. I really think it’s time for this genre to die and I was really hoping it would with The Last Exorcism.

How about you? Will you be seeing this?