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The worst take on ‘Black Panther’ you’re ever likely to hear deservedly gets torn to shreds

Politics and storytelling elements in my Marvel movie? It's more likely than you think.

The worst take on 'Black Panther' you're ever likely to hear deservedly gets torn to shreds
Image via Marvel Studios

Black Panther was a massive hit for Marvel when it came out in 2018, making many rethink their stances on superhero movies due to its surprisingly strong themes and dissection of colonization, monarchism and revolution. But if you’re completely media illiterate, you may struggle to identify any of this.

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There’s always been a rich vein of hot takes surrounding Black Panther for whatever reason. Perhaps a bit of people wanting to be contrarian over a critically acclaimed film, and maybe a hint of racism in a few extreme cases. Now there’s a brand new, searing, and red hot take surrounding the film, all based in complete lack of media literacy.

/r/MarvelStudios is now host to one of the dumbest takes you’ll likely see, almost entirely misinterpreting the film and its themes. Presumably the OP fell asleep during one point of the film.

Fittingly, their lack of brain has been ruthlessly mocked by commenters with many noting how T’Challa himself is disgusted by the inaction of the former Wakandan royal family members. Again, can only assume the OP was asleep during this integral point in the plot.

Hardly surprising though is how awful some people are at reading into the themes. There are some men who genuinely look up to Tyler Durden from Fight Club as an inspiration, or to Rorschach from Watchmen. You know, characters whose worldviews are mocked and scorned in the original texts as not being healthy.

Still, paying attention in a two hour movie must be really hard for some people. Which would be fine to admit if you weren’t failing to understand its very obvious themes and message. Wakanda’s isolationism, again, is proven to be wrong. That is the very crux of the film.

The good news is the absolute majority of people understand the themes and message, and can easily explain the themes to others who are lost. In all likelihood, the original post was nothing more than rage bait to stack up comments. Or the OP has a humiliation kink. Either or.

Black Panther is available to stream on Disney Plus.