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The nostalgia well runs startlingly dry as an era-defining favorite gets branded as overrated

A rare case where the rose-tinted glasses don't have strong enough lenses.

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Sneak up behind any film fan of a certain generation and yell “JUMANJI!!!” as loud as you can before running away, and they’re likely to be overcome by the warm and fuzzy feelings of nostalgia once the initial panic and terror wears off.

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Joe Johnston’s 1995 favorite has endured for over a quarter of a century as a perennial family favorite, with the kids who grew up watching Robin Williams try to outrun and outwit a board game capable of showing the effects-heavy adventure to their own children, who probably get bored and wonder why Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart haven’t shown up yet.

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However, if you thought Jumanji‘s reputation as a bulletproof classic that could never see its good name sullied by the cold stare of reappraisal was never in danger, think again. In a development that’s somewhere between sacrilegious and outright illegal depending on where you are when you hear it, a hardy band of Redditors have come to the conclusion that the original is severely overrated.

Once you’ve had a moment to pick your jaw up off the floor and compose yourself, it’s eye-opening to see the rose-tinted glasses failing to work their magic for a change. We’ve seen countless terrible titles over the years gain vociferous backing as underappreciated gems, but very rarely does one as beloved as Jumanji ever come close to getting knocked off its pedestal.

Truth is always in the eye of beholder, but it’s terrifying to think what classics could be next to fall under the microscope now that Jumanji has been deemed unsafe. If anyone ever dares come for The Goonies, though, then a line has well and truly been crossed.