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The most powerful members of James Gunn’s new DC lineup, ranked

How strong are the gods and monsters that are about to reignite DC?

Image via DC Comics

The death of the DCEU didn’t come as a shock to many who had grown tired of the lackluster live-action storytelling over the years, but with a new and hopefully improved DCU on the way, good things are around the corner for the fans. James Gunn and Peter Safran are now at the steering wheel for what many hope to be a rejuvenation of the live-action treatment of comic book characters and stories that have stood the test of time. 

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When it comes to legendary heroes and villains, DC Comics aren’t new to the game. Over the decades, the popular comic book publishers have created some of the most iconic and powerful fictional characters in history. But while tons of these characters have excelled on paper, DC has notably had issues adapting them for the big screen. 

Of course, establishing a cinematic universe is no easy feat, and this is evident from the multiple franchises that have tried to do so and failed in recent history. While the DC Extended Universe may not be categorized as a failure, there has certainly been lots of room for improvement. So Gunn and Safran’s proposed establishment of a tight continuity in the new DC Universe is giving many fans hope for what’s to come. 

The new DCU

james gunn
via DC

In November 2022, it was announced that James Gunn and Peter Safran will be the new heads of DC Studios. This means that they are in charge of all DC Universe content that will be put out by Warner Bros. in the future. When the pair were placed at the forefront of DC Studios, fans were immediately curious to know what the two creative minds had in store for the future of the franchise on the big screen.

In a video release, Gunn detailed their plans for the next decade of DC content, which will feature movies, TV series, and animated movies. The new universe isn’t just going to feature standalone projects, but will have an ordered continuity between the releases for a seamless viewership experience, and this will be the first time that such a continuity will be established among DC properties outside the comics. 

Even though some of the standalone projects in the DCEU were box office successes, many fans had expressed desires to see more of a shared universe between the installments. Gunn also explained that while the DCU will feature soft reboots for popular and beloved characters, there’s so much more to expect from them. After all, he has been known to take less popular comic characters and launch them to global acclaim, particularly the Guardians of the Galaxy for Marvel, as well as The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker for DC. The success of Peacemaker especially cemented Gunn’s talent and instinct for character work with lesser-known properties.

In their announcement video, Gunn listed 10 new projects that will be coming in the next decade of DC releases. These include five feature length films, four TV series, and an animated TV show, with the culmination of these projects falling under the first phase of the DCU, called Chapter 1: Gods and Monsters. The announced projects feature a healthy mix of both popular and recognizable characters, as well as fan-favorites who have never been given the live-action treatment.

Among these are some of DC’s strongest and most impressive characters, and come 2025, the DCU will officially kick off with a new Superman movie titled Superman: Legacy. There will also be a Batman movie titled The Brave and the Bold, which will feature a live-action Batman and Robin for the first time since 1997.

Other known characters that will be getting shows or movies include the Green Lantern, Supergirl, and Amanda Waller. As for their less-popular properties, the DCU will include projects about characters and teams such as Booster Gold, The Authority, Swamp Thing, and even a Wonder Woman prequel series set in Themyscira.

With the information we have available, here are the most powerful members of James Gunn’s upcoming DCU lineup, ranked from least to most powerful.  

10. Booster Gold

Image via DC Comics

Michael Carter is a time-traveling hero from the 25th century. Seeking fame and fortune, Michael stole some superhero equipment from a museum, and traveled back to the 20th century where he introduced himself as the hero Booster Gold. The equipment he stole gave him abilities such as flight, creating force fields, super strength, and more, but none of these compare to the size of his ego. A fan-favorite character from the comic books, Booster Gold starts out annoying and burdensome, but grows to win the hearts of his superhero peers. 

9. Amanda Waller

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Amanda Waller may not be powerful in the conventional way, as she doesn’t have superpowers or use any high-tech devices to give her an edge. Waller is powerful due to her ruthless nature, high government ranking, and intimidating demeanor. In every media depiction of the character, she is shown as a woman not to be trifled with, and as the director of ARGUS, she has a lot of resources at her disposal. Waller is also the director of the Suicide Squad program, which is one of the most impressive displays of her power. She keeps her people in line and has been nicknamed “The Wall” due to her unbreakable will and stubbornness. The only character to survive the DC purge, she will be played once again by Viola Davis in an upcoming television series

8. Batman

Image via Warner Bros. Animation and DC Comics

The guardian of Gotham is another character that may not have superpowers but knows how to use his strengths to his advantage. One of the most iconic comic characters ever, Batman is sometimes called “the world’s best detective,” as his mental prowess is one of his strongest abilities. Bruce Wayne is a billionaire superhero, so he has the resources to create all kinds of gadgets and tools, such as his Batmobile, and all the tools in his utility belt. Bruce doesn’t just rely on his tools, though; he has a strict exercise regimen and is trained in multiple martial arts to ensure that he always has an advantage over his foes.

7. Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing
Image via DC Comics

The Swamp Thing is an amalgam of scientist Alec Holland and the spirit of the swamp called The Green. When Alex Holland died in the swamp, The Green created The Swamp Thing as its avatar and defender. Swamp Thing is a humanoid plant creature covered in vegetation. He isn’t weighed down by human or physical needs, as he is mostly a plant, and also possesses super strength. Due to his connection to The Green, Swamp Thing can control all forms of vegetation and plant life, manipulating them to do his bidding. He is very powerful and nearly impossible to kill or destroy.

6. Apollo

Image via DC Comics

The cast of The Authority hasn’t been confirmed yet, but as Apollo is one of the most important members of the team in the comics, it is safe to assume that he will be a part of the upcoming movie. Apollo was a member of the Stormwatch Black team who was experimented on by Henry Bendix, the Weatherman. He gained super strength, heat vision, and invulnerability due to this experimentation, and all his powers are derived from solar energy, giving him the name Apollo. He can absorb solar energy and shoot it out in powerful blasts.

5. Jenny Sparks

Image via DC Comics

If there is any character from The Authority that must be on this list, it is their leader and founder, Jenny Sparks. Jenny founded the new team with former members of Stormwatch Black with the goal of changing and protecting the world. She is known as the “Spirit of the 20th Century,” as she was born on January 1, 1900, and died on December 31, 1999. She has powers over electricity, with the ability to manipulate, absorb, control, and even use it to teleport. She can also transform into an electric form; she becomes pure electrical energy, and thus can transmit herself into electric-powered machines to manipulate them.

4. Hal Jordan

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In terms of raw power, Hal Jordan is probably the most powerful Green Lantern. He trained as a military test pilot before becoming a Green Lantern and therefore has advanced military training. His Green Lantern ring gives him powers such as flight, hard-light projections, and creating constructs that are then magnified by his own will. Hal has been noted to be a Green Lantern with one of the most powerful wills, making him able to do things that other Lanterns are unable to, such as killing a Guardian.

3. John Stewart

Image via DC Comics

As the leader of the Green Lantern Corps as well as a member of the Green Lantern Honor Guard, John Stewart is a very impressive character. Due to his Marine training on Earth before becoming a Green Lantern, John is an excellent marksman. He ultimately has all the same Green Lantern powers as Hal Jordan, but where John excels over Hal is in his amazing self-discipline and his sound judgment. Alongside his Green Lantern powers, John also has a connection to The Source, which gives him that extra edge to be the most powerful of the Green Lanterns.

2. Supergirl

Supergirl in Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow'
Image via DC Comics

Kara Zor-El is the cousin of Superman, aka Kal-El. While she is a very powerful character in her own right and has even defeated Superman in some battles, she has to take second place to her cousin on this list. This is mostly because Kal-El has spent more time on Earth absorbing the power of the yellow sun and has achieved a higher mastery of his powers than Kara. Supergirl has all the classic Kryptonian powers such as super strength, speed and reflexes, laser eyes, and more. 

1. Superman

Image via DC Comics

Without a doubt, Superman remains the strongest character in Gunn’s current lineup. Superman’s powers include all the “supers:”from super strength, to super speed, reflexes, durability, hearing, and healing. Coupled with his other powers, like flight, laser eyes, and ice breath, it is very difficult to create a hero stronger than Kal-El, with his cousin being one of the few who have come close. As for now, the Man of Steel remains the most powerful member of James Gunn’s new DCU lineup.