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The First Captain Marvel Teaser Trailer May Arrive Within The Next Two Weeks

Jeremy Conrad of MCU Cosmic is reporting that Captain Marvel's first-look teaser trailer may be online within the next fortnight.

You wait months – nay, years – for any sort of update on the standalone Captain Marvel movie, and suddenly, three arrive at once.

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Entertainment Weekly’s marvelous new cover was the first domino to fall, before the likes of Brie Larson (Carol Danvers) and Jude Law (?) shed some light on their respective characters. Together, they form part of the elite Starforce, a group of interstellar Kree warriors who police the cosmos and generally keep an eye on those nasty Skrulls, who appear to be plotting a full-blown invasion of Earth. Yikes!

Thanks to EW’s ongoing coverage, we’ve already caught a glimpse of those alien pests in the flesh along with their leader, Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), hiding in plain sight. Though at least according to Jeremy Conrad of MCU Cosmic, it won’t be much longer until Marvel Studios is ready to roll out the film’s official first-look teaser, as he fully expects it to arrive within the next fortnight.

That’s a little earlier than previous estimates, after analysts predicted a Captain Marvel trailer reveal to occur in October, before Avengers 4 showcased its wares the following month. But based on the timing of EW’s blowout, it’s looking increasingly likely that said footage will be online sometime within the next two weeks.

In fact, TrailerTrack corroborated Conrad’s report, before stressing that this updated timeline hinges on exactly when the trailer will be rated by the MPAA.

We’ll be keeping one ear to the ground over the coming fortnight as we await the first teaser trailer for Captain Marvel. And after that? Well, based on the current MCU timeline, Avengers 4‘s own trailer shouldn’t be too far behind, as the Powers That Be begin to close the book on Phase 3.