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The 10 best Marvel memes that are strangely relatable

Superheroes can be relatable too!

top 10 marvel relatable memes
Credit: Marvel Studios

Who says that superhero movies aren’t relatable? They most certainly are, especially in the MCU! Sure, we don’t have superpowers and we weren’t blipped by Thanos, but most of these heroes are human. They live through human experiences just like we do. So sure, we don’t have the ability or physical capacity to fight crime, but we do think alike.

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The MCU has provided fans with plenty of moments, characters, and quotes that can be used in everyday life. That’s right, all those times fighting crime, stopping bad guys, or balancing their lives can be relatable to real-life things we go through every day. And with new MCU content coming out in a few months, there would definitely be more relatable memes out there for us to relate to.

Here are the top 10 best Marvel memes that are strangely relatable.

10. You had ONE job, Mom!

Sure, keeping your brother out of Asgard isn’t the same as defrosting tonight’s dinner, but it’s still a simple job. Nevertheless, keeping a roof over our heads, keeping us fed, and loving us unconditionally mean nothing if you don’t remember hot cheetos!

9. The different personas we go through just to fit in

You’re insane if you act the way you do online in real life. I wonder how Marc Spencer was able to pull it off. He was able to live a double, or triple life for the majority of his adulthood in Moon Knight. Because unlike him, each of his personalities was indistinguishable and was hardly ever caught, we tend to slip and it could lead us into big trouble.

8. Has to be fully charged, no matter the cost

Just like Thanos, who took the only thing that kept Vision alive in Avengers: Infinity War, our parents do the same thing when it came to our phone charges. Please, mom, give me back my wire! My phone is dying here! But no, mom needs it to browse cat videos 24/7.

7. RIP to all the hopeless romantics

Because just like wiping half of the existence from the entire universe, there is a heavy cost to confessing your attraction towards the person you love. And speaking of experience, it hurts a lot. Because just like the snap, everything changes once you say those three words to that person and suddenly, they’re never seen again.

6. Procrastination has taken the best of us

Despite Captain America being a super soldier, he may be relatable and we just didn’t realize it. He’s motivated and would not give up on the task at hand. But the moment he learned what it’s like to lay back and relax, he’s now like “yep I’m done being a hero”. That’s now the future’s problem.

5. And even if you did study…

Can we agree that the pain of studying, taking the exams, and seeing the results is equal to the pain the Avengers feel when they struggle or are tortured? Because it technically is, especially if “these grades” are to “affect your future”. It hurts to study, it struggles to take the test, and the results are the most painful of them all. These Avengers heroes get it right.

4. That one simple response in a debate


DON’T LIE! Just like Star Lord in Thor: Love and Thunder, you too have that lingering biases trying to block your view, especially in a heated debate. You’ve been served with logic, proof, and reasonable evidence, yet rather than accepting it, Thor just comes floating in front of you and tells you why you’re right because… you just are, OK?!

3. Expectations vs. Reality

Iron Man may have subtly given us the biggest reality check we needed to hear in the span of 10 years. He showed us what it’s like to be free and unhinged. But later on, he gives us the biggest reality check that we need to accept. Sure, it’s great being able to do whatever you want, but you soon realize that you have responsibilities and will have to survive with everything you have. Pretty much his character development from Iron-Man 2 to Avengers: Endgame.

2. A quick reminder that Peter Parker is still a teenager

Parker is perhaps the only superhero with a normal life. Sure, he has super powers, but he had father figures such as Iron Man and Happy to keep him in check and make sure he’s fine. Even in the events of Spider-Man: No Way Home, he still needed guidance after his life turned upside-down thanks to Mysterio. He 100 percent went from “let me remove parental controls in the Spider suit” to “Please help me how to handle this mess and trauma”.

If that’s not a mood, I don’t know what is.

1. And finally, this “anti-Buzzfeed” meme

Yes, we all feel like Thanos in Avengers: Endgame whenever someone younger than us knows a thing we grew up with, despite it still being a thing past the 90s. How is it possible that these Gen-Z kids know about this thing that still exists and is now catering to a younger audience? They shouldn’t! Gotta love how time moves differently when it comes to ongoing franchises that have a new generation of audience within their grasp.

Hopefully, these iconic scenes, characters, and lines in the MCU make you feel slightly more relatable to the heroes you see on screen. You can relive all these iconic superhero moments on Disney Plus.