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Ten Of Bruce Willis’s Most Awesomely Badass Moments

We all know that Bruce Willis is a badass. Even in Moonlighting, he was a badass. Hell, when he did the voice of that baby opposite John Travolta? Even THEN he was a badass. He was a badass when he was just being Bruce, a badass when he was playing a character, a badass even when the role did not demand badassery.

[h2]Bruce Gets Hung (Sin City)[/h2]

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I have mixed feelings about Sin City, but there’s nothing mixed about Bruce’s role in it: he’s all badass. As the toughest of tough cops, he goes after the Yellow Bastard (Nick Stahl) for all he’s worth. He’s shot, he’s beaten, he’s arrested for a crime he did not commit, but it’s OK, because the children he was trying to protect are safe. But when Junior returns and threatens Jessica Alba, there’s only one thing Bruce can do. He has to protect her no matter what.

For this badass moment, though, there’s none better than when all seems lost. Stahl has hung our Bruce in a motel room while he goes off to do unspeakable things to Jessica Alba. No one is going to survive this. No one but Bruce Willis. He smashes the window with his bare feet, cuts himself free, and beats the hell out of the two guys coming to collect his body. Only Bruce can kill Bruce, and of course he’ll do it in order to save Jessica Alba. Bruce Willis, ladies and gentlemen: the man with the iron neck.

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