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Ten Of Bruce Willis’s Most Awesomely Badass Moments

We all know that Bruce Willis is a badass. Even in Moonlighting, he was a badass. Hell, when he did the voice of that baby opposite John Travolta? Even THEN he was a badass. He was a badass when he was just being Bruce, a badass when he was playing a character, a badass even when the role did not demand badassery.

[h2]Bruce Chases Ben With A Shotgun (Armageddon)[/h2]

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Armageddon is perhaps the only Michael Bay film I agreed to watch a second time.  Not because it’s a good film – it’s not – but because: Bruce Willis. He’s just out there, improbably saving the world from giant asteroids and Aerosmith via his amazing skills at drilling holes in things. He also finds time to reconnect with his daughter, learn to be an astronaut, and chase Ben Affleck with a shotgun.

Again, as with most Bruce movies, Bruce has a lot of badass moments here. Sacrificing yourself to save the life of your daughter’s boyfriend? Saving the earth from a comet just by virtue of your badass stare? That’s pretty badass. But here I have to go with a much earlier scene: the one where Bruce chases Ben Affleck with a shotgun. This is why you don’t sleep with Bruce’s daughter, Ben. Hope you learned your lesson.

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