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Ten Of Bruce Willis’s Most Awesomely Badass Moments

We all know that Bruce Willis is a badass. Even in Moonlighting, he was a badass. Hell, when he did the voice of that baby opposite John Travolta? Even THEN he was a badass. He was a badass when he was just being Bruce, a badass when he was playing a character, a badass even when the role did not demand badassery.

[h2]Bruce Saves The Fifth Element (The Fifth Element)[/h2]

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The Fifth Element
is Bruce Willis at the top of his badass game. As Korben Dallas, the toughest Brooklyn cab driver of the 23rd Century (and a former Special Op who’s the only one of his unit to survive), Bruce winds up rescuing Milla Jovovich from the police. In the end, he saves everyone from Gary Oldman and, you know, ultimate evil. Who do you call when you want to fight aliens in the 23rd Century? You call Bruce Willis, of course. Why wouldn’t you call Bruce Willis?

The badass moment? Well, there are lots, but on this one I’ll just go with Bruce doing the right thing. Despite having points on his license, despite being in a very precarious position, and despite not wanting to get into even more trouble, he decides against turning Jovovich over to the cops when she asks him for help. A damsel in distress asking Bruce Willis for help? He’s not going to pass that one up, is he? Nope. Cue an air-taxi chase across 23rd Century New York, with Bruce as cool as dry ice as the cops come after him. He even finds time to make a few wisecracks in between all the weaving around the skyways.

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