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Ten Of Bruce Willis’s Most Awesomely Badass Moments

We all know that Bruce Willis is a badass. Even in Moonlighting, he was a badass. Hell, when he did the voice of that baby opposite John Travolta? Even THEN he was a badass. He was a badass when he was just being Bruce, a badass when he was playing a character, a badass even when the role did not demand badassery.

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Is this a comprehensive list? No. Did I miss out on badass moments in 12 Monkeys, The Jackal, Unbreakable, and two out of four Die Hards? Yes I did. So here’s what you need to do: go to Netflix, or Red Box, and get some badass Bruce Willis movies. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

Then go see A Good Day To Die Hard on February 14 for the next installment of Bruce Willis and his badass self.

All hail Bruce Willis, The Ultimate Badass.