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Ten Of Bruce Willis’s Most Awesomely Badass Moments

We all know that Bruce Willis is a badass. Even in Moonlighting, he was a badass. Hell, when he did the voice of that baby opposite John Travolta? Even THEN he was a badass. He was a badass when he was just being Bruce, a badass when he was playing a character, a badass even when the role did not demand badassery.

[h2]Bruce Kills Zed (Pulp Fiction)[/h2]

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Bruce has a long history of being a somewhat reluctant badass. He doesn’t really want to fight people all the time – it just sort of happens to him. He’s the guy that just wants to go home to his wife and kids for Christmas. Will they let him? Of course they won’t. So he has to kill everyone.

Case in point: Bruce’s sequence in Pulp Fiction. The poor guy only wants to get his Dad’s watch back, but instead he winds up found out by the mob boss he screwed over (Ving Rhames), then imprisoned by crazy hillbilly rapists. Great. But after Bruce escapes and can get away totally free, y’know what he does? He goes back to save Ving Rhames. With a massive samurai sword and a LOT of blood. By the time Bruce gets through with him, Zed is really and truly dead, and Bruce has his motorcycle.

Having the option of hundreds of different weapons and choosing the samurai sword to enact righteous vengeance on the bad guys? That’s pretty badass.

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