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Supporters state the case for an exhausting fantasy franchise that withered and died getting dusted off

Let's not return to the well of mediocrity, shall we?

wrath of the titans
via Warner Bros.

Hollywood loves nothing more than wringing every last drop from any IP that’s proven itself successful at the box office, so it boggles the mind somewhat that Warner Bros. allowed a property that earned $795 million across just two installments to wither and die. Then again, maybe it’s because the content on offer was lackluster to say the least. Be warned, though, because there are people out there clamoring for Titans to return.

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To be fair, the apathy started from the very top, because it’s never a good look for a director to refer to their own movie as “famously horrible” – which is how Louis Leterrier described Clash of the Titans and its notoriously awful 3D post-conversion. Another black mark against the brand is that it sucked, with respective Rotten Tomatoes scores of 27 and 26 percent not the foundations on which long-running fantasy sagas are built.

clash of the titans
via Warner Bros.

And yet, because the internet continues to be a strange and unruly place, a bold Redditor has put forth a suggestion for an HBO Max prequel series that would tie into official canon by having the established gods including Liam Neeson’s Zeus, Ralph Fiennes’ Hades, and the rest of the Mount Olympus-dwellers reminiscing on their pasts – which would segue into more adventures.

Naturally, there’s a distinct lack of enthusiasm in the comments, but Neeson did surprisingly admit that Zeus is a role he’d love to play again, and the last 15 years has additionally shown that he’s fond of a paycheck gig or two. We’re leaning into hoping the Titans are never unleashed in their most recent form again, though, even if there’s an air of inevitability to a reboot happening eventually.