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‘Suicide Squad’ director offers a helpful reminder that you’re not obligated to watch the Ayer Cut

Some revolutionary information being spilled on Twitter here.

suicide squad
via Warner Bros.

On some level, we can probably all agree that the internet was a mistake, but we reckon it’s more important to acknowledge that social media was a mistake that compounded the mistake we already made with the internet.

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As one Marjorie Taylor Greene has proven time and time again, not everybody should have a platform, and social media enables that. As we continue to live in a world where any schmuck can say some useless nonsense and gain traction, it becomes more and more clear every day that it’s never been a more dangerous time for brain cells.

With respect to that, why on earth would anybody give one single solitary bother over whether or not some stranger wants or doesn’t want to watch a movie?

The answer, apparently, is David Ayer, who happily reminded the whiner in question that no one is going to force them to watch the Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad.

In many ways, we’re a bit disappointed in Ayer for acknowledging this person at all, but at the same time, the chuckles that will come at the expense of the tweeter just might be worth this cheeky reminder.

And for every glib, negative tweet about a film, there’s about three or four positive, equally glib tweets to compensate, as if any further point needed to be proven.


Perhaps Twitter wasn’t such a bad idea after all; indeed, how could we possibly live in a world without the reminders that no one is obliged to watch a movie? Where would humanity be without bearing witness to the everyday malarkey screeched by the common man with an internet connection and nothing better to do?

Thank you for your service, David Ayer; we’re sorry about what the studio did back in 2016.