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‘Suicide Squad’ director blasts fans for twisting his words on negativity

Will we ever actually see the fabled Ayer cut?

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Image via DC Films

David Ayer is clearly still sore over how everything went down on 2016’s Suicide Squad. The director faced an enormous amount of pressure from Warner Bros. while making the film, which ended with the final cut being taken away from him and given to the company that edited the trailers.

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Ever since, he’s been teasing Ayer Cut fans have demanded, which features far more scenes showcasing Jared Leto’s Joker, a romance between Deadshot and Harley Quinn, and generally has a darker and more violent tone. He’s since confirmed that the cut exists and is practically ready for release, though the new Gunn/Safran regime at DC Studios may mean this will never happen.

Lately, Ayer has been drawn into the argument about the DCU’s new direction, which looks to be leaving behind the SnyderVerse for good. Taking to Twitter to discuss the “negativity” of DC fans, Ayer said he considered that a testament to how much they care:

This has been taken as praise for those who make personal attacks on Gunn after the Henry Cavill Superman debacle, though Ayer is adamant that he’s being wildly misrepresented:

Maybe one day we’ll get to see the fabled Ayer Cut. For years, most considered the chances of Zack Snyder’s Justice League ever getting a release as slim, though this eventually emerged to widespread praise and became a streaming hit for HBO Max. But, in hindsight, that may just have been a result of the perfect storm of the COVID pandemic making studios desperate for new content.

We’ll still keep burning the candle for Ayer’s Suicide Squad, though right now it seems it’ll be a long wait.