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The Strangers 2 Is Back In Development And Has A New Director

While no one would call The Strangers a classic horror film, it was certainly one of the more terrifying efforts that the genre produced in the late-aughts and most people seemed to enjoy it. There's also the fact that it pulled in roughly $82 million off a $9 million budget - not a bad haul for a small horror flick without any A-list stars. As such, it's no surprise that a sequel was ordered up.


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While no one would call The Strangers a classic horror film, it was certainly one of the more terrifying efforts that the genre produced in the late-aughts and most people seemed to enjoy it. There’s also the fact that it pulled in roughly $82 million off a $9 million budget – not a bad haul for a small horror flick without any A-list stars. As such, it’s no surprise that a sequel was ordered up.

That was several years ago though and ever since, The Strangers 2 has been stuck in development hell. In 2015 we heard that some progress was being made, but then things quieted down again and after the passing of director Marcel Langenegger, who was supposed to get behind the camera here, it seemed like the project might never come to fruition. Now, however, we’ve got a new update and it seems promising.

EW is reporting that the sequel has found someone to helm in the form of Johannes Roberts and original writer/director Bryan Bertino has drafted up a new script. Plot details are still scarce, but a press release sent out earlier revealed that the story will focus on “a family who arrives at a secluded mobile home park on a road trip. They stay the night in a borrowed trailer after the power goes out, only to be tormented by three psychopaths wearing familiar masks.”

There’s no word yet on if any of the actors from the original will return, but casting is now underway and we expect to hear more shortly. Regardless if anyone comes back or not, it’s just good to know that the wheels are finally in motion on The Strangers 2, as it’s a film we’ve been waiting a very long time for and if executed properly, a sequel could be truly chilling and effective.

Tell us, are you still excited to see this project come to life, or have you lost interest in it already? Sound off in the usual place with your thoughts!