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8 Reasons Why We Can’t Stop Talking About X-Men: Days Of Future Past

3) It’s Not Wolverine And Friends

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Whenever there’s a star-studded cast of superheroes and villains, it’s hard not to come away with an initial impression that one character will take center stage. The Avengers is one such example that initially felt like it was going to be 2.5 hours of Iron Man hogging the spotlight, saving the day while the others only have semi-important moments, but thankfully that wasn’t the case. Everyone had a purpose and played a major role in the film, and the movie was critically and commercially praised because of it.

The X-Men universe of films has always felt like the polar opposite, however, as Wolverine played the role of leader to a degree where all the other heroes around simply felt like sidekicks. So when plot details and trailers for X-Men: Days of Future Past came to light, regardless of how ambitious it sounded there was always a lingering feeling that the movie would revolve around Wolverine and have him ultimately saving the day.

Thankfully, that wasn’t the case at all. If anything, Wolverine just acts as a vessel to further a far more important story around him. He’s the one that goes back in time, but realistically he isn’t the one solving all the problems. Charles Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, and even a non-mutant character like Bolivar Trask are all more crucial to the plot, and it becomes truly apparent when Wolverine is completely written out of the climax of the film.

Wolverine doesn’t even have the best action sequences in the film this time around. As a matter of fact, he only has a couple to begin with. Characters like Quicksilver, Mystique, and Magneto were clearly the focus as far as action goes. And speaking of Quicksilver, well…