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Has Battlefront II Solved The Mystery Of Rey’s Parents Ahead Of The Last Jedi?

Battlefront II's single-player campaign may contain a massive clue about Rey's parentage ahead of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Who are Rey’s parents, exactly? Will Luke Skywalker wield a lightsaber come December? Should we class the porgs as friends, or food?

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These are just some of the burning questions we have going into the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But if a new report from Screen Rant is to be believed, the single-player campaign of Battlefront II may be hiding a major story clue in plain sight.

This is by no means the first time that DICE’s licensed sequel has been thrust under the microscope – its storyline of Iden Versio fighting back against the Rebel Alliance is considered canon, after all – after players conjured up a theory that essentially traced Luke’s journey to Ahch-To.

Fast forward to now, and the pendulum has swung back in the direction of Rey’s parentage, arguably the most pressing question of the lot, with Screen Rant asserting that Iden Versio is actually the long-lost mother of Rey. If you’re yet to play Battlefront II‘s campaign, and we highly recommend you do, the story follows Versio, a soldier of the Galactic Empire who winds up defecting to the Rebel Alliance soon after the destruction of Death Star II.

Her fellow squadmate, Del Meeko, also follows her to the Alliance, and the two end up falling in love and having a daughter. It’s a stretch, of course; for all of Battlefront II‘s fidelity, it’s difficult to imagine a scenario in which Lucasfilm allow a blatant spoiler to slip out a full month ahead of The Last Jedi, even if it is very, very subtle.

What’s more likely is that this whole theory is just smoke and mirrors, designed to stir up speculation in order to keep the Star Wars community guessing. Besides, neither Iden nor Del displayed any Force powers during Battlefront II, so it’s nigh on impossible that they would be able to create a child with the unbridled power of Rey.

But tell us, what do you make of this accusation? Total hogwash, or genuinely intriguing? You can, as always, drop your thoughts below and remember, Star Wars: The Last Jedi will be with us on December 15th.