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Star Wars – The Story So Far

A long time ago (38 years, to be exact), in a galaxy far, far away (your local multiplex), something very special happened. Star Wars arrived, and the world suddenly possessed a film that defined a generation, and launched a franchise that will continue to be handed down, from adult to child, until the sun swells to envelop the Earth.

Episode 4

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Luke Skywalker is now a young man working as a farmhand for his step-uncle, Owen, on Tatooine – though he longs to leave and train to be a combat pilot like his friends. He inadvertently acquires two droids – R2D2 and C-3PO – one of which contains a distress call from a woman, addressed to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke deduces who that might be, and makes contact with Obi-Wan, who is now an elderly man living in relative isolation.

Luke makes contact with Obi-Wan, who accesses the message. In the complete distress call, the woman identifies herself as Princess Leia of the Rebel Alliance, and explains that she has hidden stolen schematics for the Death Star (a super-weapon of the evil Empire) inside the R2D2 unit and she needs Obi-Wan to get them to her father on the planet Alderaan. She is unable to do it herself, because her ship was being boarded by Imperial forces.


Luke’s step-uncle and family are brutally murdered by Imperial Stormtroopers, so he pledges to accompany Obi-Wan and the droids to deliver the plans to Alderaan. The unlikely team enlist the help of the roguish Captain Han Solo and his co-pilot Chewbacca, who agree to fly them on their mission in their ship, the Millennium Falcon. As Luke and Obi-Wan begin their journey, Princess Leia is interrogated by Imperial Forces within the Death Star, who make her watch as they use the superweapon to destroy Alderaan. The Millennium Falcon arrives to find nothing but a debris field, and is taken aboard the Death Star by tractor beam.

The team then battles to escape the clutches of the Imperial forces, keeping the plans in their possession. Obi-Wan engages Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel, during which he is killed, but offers enough distraction to allow the Rebel team to depart. Unbeknownst to them, however, Imperial forces have planted a tracking device on board, so the Falcon leads Darth Vader straight to the secret Rebel base.

In a final race against time, the Rebel Alliance uses the stolen plans to identify a weakness in the structure of the Death Star, and launches an attack before the Empire is able to use the super weapon against them. Luke manages to fire the crucial shot and the Empire attack is thwarted.