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Has Star Wars: The Last Jedi Created Too Many Problems For Episode IX?

The Empire Strikes Back closed with a somber cliffhanger. The credits rolled with Luke Skywalker sans a hand, Han Solo on ice and the Rebellion on the run. However, this is still a very happy ending compared to Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s climax.

There’s A Power Vacuum Left Over From The Golden Trio

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It’s clear that the aim of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy is to pass the proverbial torch from the original cast to the next generation of good – and bad – guys in that galaxy far, far away. As we’ve seen so far, The Force Awakens was Han Solo’s sendoff, while The Last Jedi revolves around the return of Luke Skywalker, who becomes one with the Force at the end. Sadly, the passing of Carrie Fisher has meant that the filmmakers have had to scrap their plans for Leia in Episode IX.

Naturally, this is no one’s fault, but many have expressed doubts that the next generation will be able to carry Episode IX as capably by themselves. Don’t get me wrong, Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron and newcomer Rose Tico are fantastic characters. Their arcs are fresh and they’re charismatically brought to life by their respective actors. In short, they’re a joy to behold. But as we near their third chapter, can we say outright that their bonds of friendship are as strong and endearing as their predecessors were at this point?

That’s a tough one to answer. You see, for all of his scripting faults in the Prequel Trilogy, George Lucas was at the height of his abilities where Luke, Leia and Han are concerned in A New Hope. The latter half of the pic is so enjoyable because we witness this clearly defined trio bounce off one another as they learn to work together. Bolstered by some superb acting and a good dash of natural chemistry, it’s hard to understate just how popular — and beloved — the trio has become since that formative first film. Contrastingly, in the Sequel Trilogy, Finn is the only one to have formed any lasting bonds with all of his compatriots. Heck, Rey has only just met Poe in the closing moments of The Last Jedi!

Episode IX may of course find Luke’s Force ghost return, alongside lovable regulars Chewbacca, C-3PO and R2-D2. Yet, with a disjointed next generation — and none of the golden trio playing an active part in the proceedings — it’s hard to deny that it may feel somewhat diminished by the shakeup.

Of course, this isn’t to say that everything is looking gloomy for Episode IX. In fact, with such a talented group of people in front of (and behind) the camera, there’s every chance that it could be another success for Lucasfilm. However, we’d be remiss not to admit that there are quite a few challenges facing Abrams and his team.

Here’s hoping, then, that Star Wars: Episode IX is just as successful — if not as controversial as The Last Jedi.