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‘Star Wars’ fans unearth a terrific foreshadowing moment in ‘The Last Jedi’

Did you spot this moment in The Last Jedi?

holdo star wars the last jedi
via Lucasfilm

The Last Jedi debuted in cinemas half a decade ago, but fans are still slowly warming to the film as one of the best in the Star Wars saga, and a new bit of foreshadowing may increase your appreciation further.

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There’s been a recent revival in love for the film, especially off the back of Rian Johnson’s recent interview which expressed his pride in his creation. From there, fans have come out of the woodwork with what seems like a new safe space for discussion. Now, one of the most hotly contested moments in the film is getting new analysis and being re-evaluated for its foreshadowing.

The Holdo Maneuver is a divisive moment in the sequel trilogy, as Laura Dern’s Admiral Holdo decides the only way for the Resistance to make it out of a tricky situation is to make an ultimate sacrifice play. Snapping Snoke’s flagship in half came out of the blue for many, but one smart fan thinks the seeds for that scene came as early as act one.

As Leia is blown out of the ship and has to float back into the ship, she glides through the now-destroyed bridge and curiously through a hologram of Snoke’s ship. Interestingly, almost exactly where Holdo later flies the ship through. It’s unsure if this was an intentional shot by Johnson, but fits perfectly in line with the franchise’s love of visual foreshadowing.

The sequel trilogy is slowly getting more appreciation as people grow up with the films, and it’s all feeling awfully reminiscent of how public perception changed in the prequels. Perhaps all of this could lead to Daisy Ridley getting a spin-off, and continuing the arcs of some of the trilogy’s trio.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is available to stream on Disney Plus.