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‘Star Wars’ fans put on their conspiracy hats imagining a Universe where Count Dooku lives

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Count Dooku wielding light
Photo via 20th Century Studio

The Jedi might be the formidable heroes of the Star Wars universe, but it is the Sith Lords who have made some of the fascinating contributions. While Palpatine and Darth Vader have retained their persona as the saga’s redoubtable villains, it is the Sith Lord, Count Dooku (Christopher Lee) who reflects the immense potential of Sidious’ manipulations and Sith monstrosities.

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Recently, Reddit was filled with Star Wars fans coming in together and raising a “what if?” situation. What if Anakin refused to carry out Palpatine’s order to kill Dooku? How would this have changed the further events? Most significantly, what role could he have played, and what would the Republic have done with him?

The very question was met with interesting theories. Some mentioned that Palpatine would have found some other way to kill, whereas others expressed their demand for an alternative storyline.

Any Anakin sympathizer can strike a chord with Dooku, and even more so they are ready to acknowledge how without him, none of us would be able to encounter the iconic Darth Vader, or acquire a grasp on the preceding events that led to Anakin’s ultimate descent to the Dark Side.

His final and significant appearance was in Revenge of the Sith when he was decapitated by Anakin on Palpatine’s orders. As it turned out, by following Palpatine’s instructions he not only facilitated his further plans of gaining power, but also transmogrified himself into his viable replacement.

One thing is for sure; if Anakin disobeyed Palpatine at that very moment, his disloyalty would have kept him from becoming his faithful servant, and Dooku’s fate would have been left at the hands of the future evil Emperor.