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‘Star Wars’ fans love democracy, but they are utterly puzzled by Padme

Would you trust your 14 year-old self with an entire planet?

How does democracy work in Star Wars?
Image via Lucasfilm/Disney

The Star Wars prequels leaned heavily into the political side of things after the more subtle original trilogy, and the very ideals of democracy in the galaxy are currently under question because of none other than Padme.

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The strange machinations of the galaxy’s political system are in focus, as fans try and work out how exactly Padme, at age 14, was elected the queen of the planet. There are many, many problems with the Star Wars prequel trilogy and in particular with The Phantom Menace, but we really need someone to spell this one out for us. How does a 14 year-old become the head of state?

In case you’re wondering, monarchs tend not to be elected into their position. It’s hereditary, or if you have enough firepower, about sheer strength. There is a little bit of clarity, with one user pointing she was elected queen, then became a senator. Apparently this is just normal business on Naboo — no wonder the planet is so doomed.

In canon, it’s explained as Naboo having a penchant for young people being given ridiculous levels of power before their brain has even matured. If you were to grab most 14 year-olds and shove them onto the throne, they would probably be responsible for the worst decisions ever.

Like most things in Star Wars, it does relate back to Palpatine. Canon suggests he was the one who got her elected, and deliberately chose her because of her youth and inexperience. Much like grooming Anakin to become just the worst person in the galaxy, he groomed Padme into being a mostly useless head of state.

In the end though, Padme’s legacy will be giving Jar Jar Binks her spot on the senate in Attack of the Clones and eventually making Palpatine the emperor for life. Yes Padme, it’s very much your fault he came to power.

The Star Wars saga is available to stream on Disney Plus.