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‘Star Wars’ fans attempt to figure out the current owner of the galaxy’s most iconic ship

They probably didn't have the time to write a will.

via Lucasfilm

There are few works of fiction that have such a wide, multi-generational reach to the point where millions of people can recognize vehicles by the very sounds they make, but Star Wars fits that bill quite cleanly. Whether it’s a TIE Fighter or an AT-AT, the spaceships of George Lucas’ sci-fi darling are no strangers to the spotlight.

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But few come close to eclipsing the Millennium Falcon as the most quintessential Star Wars ship in the far reaches of the canon; to this day, it’s infinitely poetic that the antiquated freighter played such an important role in taking down the almighty Death Star, the match-up of which is comparable to a slingshot versus a platoon.

Even beyond its accomplishments and one-of-a-kind shape, its status as a heroic heirloom does its own fair share of work in propelling it up the Star Wars ladder; from Lando to Han, the Millennium Falcon has seen quite a few owners over the years, effectively to the point where some of us have seemed to lose to track of who it belongs to presently. Never fear, however, for the more organized slice of r/StarWars is here to clear up any confusion surrounding the Falcon’s ownership.

As reflected in the main post, we understand that Han got the Falcon from Lando, and Rey and Finn steal it from Han before returning it to him, right before Han is murdered by Kylo Ren. It’s after that that things get murky, as the most logical inheritance path (assuming family comes first) is that either Leia or Ren gets the Falcon, as the former is still technically married to Han, while the latter is related to Han by blood. We also know that Ren dies, which would place it in the hands of Leia for the time being, but she ends up dying too.

But others weren’t convinced, suggesting that the laws were effectively a “finders keepers” type of deal, which would place it in the hands of Rey and Chewbacca, and by extension the Rebel Alliance.

byu/pete_ape from discussion
byu/pete_ape from discussion
byu/pete_ape from discussion

Others still narrowed it down to just Chewbacca, who, after taking the trauma of Han’s murder squarely on the chin, is admittedly in need of a win.

byu/pete_ape from discussion

What we can say conclusively, however, is that the Falcon remains with the good guys, and that’s just about the best we can ask for. Although, it would be quite the sight to see the Empire whittled down to the point that they have to whip out a vintage ship to go toe-to-toe with the Alliance, making for the Star Wars equivalent of a two-way demolition derby with a pair of minivans.