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Star Wars: Episode VII Director Search Down To A Couple Of Candidates

Ever since the news broke that Disney bought Lucasfilm and a new Star Wars trilogy was on the way, the internet has been blowing up with rumors about the films. Already, a writer has been named (Michael Arndt) but it's still far too soon for any definite plot details to take shape, so the logical topic for current debates is who is the best fit to direct the films.

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Ever since the news broke that Disney bought Lucasfilm and a new Star Wars trilogy was on the way, the internet has been blowing up with rumors about the films. Already, a writer has been named (Michael Arndt) but it’s still far too soon for any definite plot details to take shape, so the logical topic for current debates is who is the best fit to direct the films.

That debate may soon be over though, as producer Frank Marshall, whose wife is Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, says the search is down to a few candidates, and he knows which one will be chosen to direct Star Wars: Episode VII.

In an interview with MTV Marshall revealed that he does indeed know who is on Disney’s short list, but unfortunately, he’s staying pretty tight-lipped on this one.

“I do (know) but I can’t reveal it, or I won’t be alive tomorrow. (The hunt is down to) a couple of candidates, but I don’t know how soon that will be revealed.”

If this is indeed true, then the announcement will likely come very soon, as there’s no point in putting off the inevitable. After that we’re in for weeks of celebration and complaints about who was chosen.

Although directing Star Wars may seem like a directorial dream, the role may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Whoever does step in to fill George Lucas’ role will be scrutinized at an unparalleled level, no matter how the films turn out.

The name of just about every major director has been tossed around in recent days, and not to be left out, we’ve made our picks as to who should direct, but the time for speculation is hopefully ending soon.

Who do you think should direct Star Wars: Episode VII? Share your pick in the comments section below.