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Spielberg Is Planning To Do Moses With A Twist

Steven Spielberg is nearly in the final stages of negotiations with Warner Bros. for a biopic depicting the Jewish figurehead, Moses, as a warrior to beat all warriors. The film, with a working title of Gods and Kings, is “a movie like a Braveheart-ish version of the Moses story,” our source tells us. “Him coming down the river, being adopted, leaving his home, forming an army, and getting the Ten Commandments.”

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Steven Spielberg is nearly in the final stages of negotiations with Warner Bros. for a biopic depicting the Jewish figurehead, Moses, as a warrior to beat all warriors. The film, with a working title of Gods and Kings, is “a movie like a Braveheart-ish version of the Moses story,” our source tells us. “Him coming down the river, being adopted, leaving his home, forming an army, and getting the Ten Commandments.”

Even with the huge theatrical possibilities (splitting of the Red Sea in 3D) the film is still set to be shot in traditional 2D.

In 1956, Paramount released The Ten Commandments in VistaVision, ensuring the audiences a spectacle unlike any other. If Steven Spielberg does indeed direct this film, whether it’s 2D or 3D, my money says he will do a fantastic job.

We are talking about the man who took us to the beaches of Normandy in Saving Private Ryan and made a generation scared of the ocean with Jaws. The point is the man knows movies. He knows when to give the audiences a spectacle and when to give them an intimate experience. Regardless of which one he chooses, I will be there opening night.