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‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ being a sequel to ‘The Truman Show’ is troublingly believable

A new fan theory plausibly connects two very different movies.

Image via Paramount Pictures

A Reddit fan theory proposes that Jim Carrey‘s character in The Truman Show and in Sonic the Hedgehog is the same person.

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Yes, according to Redditor Travis_Blake, Dr. Robotnik from the 2020 movie and its 2022 sequel is just Truman Burbank decades into the future. Here’s how the Redditor explains it:

“Once Truman Burbank escaped his cave, he began his journey to explore and understand the world around him. With such a recognizable face, people were happy to help him in his academic adventure in exchange for research, inside, etc related to the show. With the recognition, he grows a mustache and changes his name to have something for himself. [He calls himself] Robotnik to refer to the robotic actions of his previous life and how he found himself.”

Then, after a couple decades, “Truman’s mistrust of people increases as privacy decreases while technology increases. He doesn’t want to be the target again, so he sets himself up to be the observer. Robotnik has a large ego as if he is the main character, something that carried over from the reveal of the show. Having been lied to hurt him, causing him to isolate and grow more upset with the world. Stone is the only person he trusts, just like Lauren.”

Additionally, Travis_Blake clarified that the theory applies to the Sonic the Hedgehog movies, not the games.

Although it has 279 upvotes and counting, the theory’s responses range from “This is the kind of shit I come to this subreddit for” to “I’ll have what you’re smoking.”

Watch the movies back-to-back to see if the Redditor has a point — or if they are smoking something. (Both can be true.)