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Has Solo: A Star Wars Story’s Villain Been Revealed?

The names of Solo: A Star Wars Story's original characters were kept under wraps for a long time, only being unveiled when the first teaser trailer for the prequel was finally released last month. One character we still don't know much about at all, though, is the villain of the piece. Star Wars has given us some of the most iconic cinematic villains ever so there is obviously a lot of interest from fans to find out who the young smuggler will come up against his own movie.

UPDATE: These images have been removed at the request of GoldenLink.

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The names of Solo: A Star Wars Story‘s original characters were kept under wraps for a long time, only being unveiled when the first teaser trailer for the prequel was finally released last month. One character we still don’t know much about at all, though, is the villain of the piece.

Star Wars has given us some of the most iconic cinematic bad guys ever, so there’s obviously a lot of interest from fans to find out who the young smuggler will come up against in his own movie. And now, thanks to a look at some new merchandise, the villain’s name may have been revealed.

The folks over at YakFace have uncovered a set of Solo bottle toppers that will be available at GoldenLink locations. As well as familiar characters like Han and Chewie, one is for a character known as Enrys Nest, who’s clearly the masked figure glimpsed during the film’s trailer – he can be seen on top of an airborne train on some snowy planet. What’s more, the site also uncovered some graphics featuring his name.

Alden Ehrenreich in Solo A Star Wars Story

The name of Enrys Nest has almost been linked with Solo before. Last year, some details leaked out from filming including the term “Emlys Nest,” which was thought to be some kind of location introduced in the movie. Now, we know the leak was almost right and that the name actually belonged to the villain of the piece.

What else do we know about Nest, though? Well, StarWars.net connected YakFace’s findings with some of their own from a few months ago – a piece of concept art for a vehicle to be seen in the movie. The illustration was labelled “Int/Ext Nest Bumper Car.” So, it looks like Enrys Nest will be a speeder pilot, which makes him a neat dark mirror for Han.

As for any further details, we’ll just have to wait for Solo: A Star Wars Story to arrive in cinemas on May 25th, but you can certainly color us intrigued.