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Solo: A Star Wars Story Fans Want An Enfys Nest Movie

Whenever a Star Wars movie is released, fans enjoy meeting all the new characters it adds to that galaxy far, far away. One of the most intriguing ones that was created for Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story is Enfys Nest (Erin Kellyman). While she has little time onscreen, Nest's unique design and role have made a large enough impact that some fans now wish to see the Cloud-Riders leader get her very own Anthology film.

Whenever a Star Wars movie is released, fans enjoy meeting all the new characters it adds to that galaxy far, far away. One of the most intriguing ones that was created for Ron Howard’s Solo: A Star Wars Story is Enfys Nest (Erin Kellyman). While she has little time onscreen, Nest’s unique design and role have made a large enough impact that some fans now wish to see the Cloud-Riders leader get her very own Anthology film.

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In Solo, Enfys Nest’s the feared leader of a group of marauders that battles Han and his team over a shipment of coaxium on the planet Vandor-1. Later in the flick, however, Nest shows her true colors and reveals that she’s actually a rebel continuing her late mother’s legacy in a fight against the crime syndicates of the galaxy. Namely, the Crimson Dawn. If a film were to be made about Enfys, it would likely derive its plot from the contents of this revelation and showcase the young woman’s continued struggles against the lawless.

Opinions of Solo are understandably split, but many Star Wars fans seem to agree an Enfys Nest movie is needed, as evidenced by the following Tweets:



Lucasfilm definitely has a character with potential in the form of Nest. While a pic about such a fresh face seems unlikely at this point, it would still be cool to see. In the meantime, folks can enjoy Nest and her gang of Cloud-Riders in Solo: A Star Wars Story, as it’s now playing in theaters everywhere.