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Alden Ehrenreich Likens Solo: A Star Wars Story To Han’s “Biopic”

With Solo: A Star Wars Story, Lucasfilm and director Ron Howard are on the verge of launching Han's biopic. Or so says Alden Ehrenreich.

The Solo: A Star Wars Story blowout continues apace. And Ron Howard’s prequel is certainly making up for any lost time.

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Barring February’s initial Super Bowl teaser, the standalone Lucasfilm pic had lain dormant for months, leading many to believe that the studio was quietly bracing for a box office flop. To make matters worse, Solo is emerging from a troubled spell in production, during which time Howard was brought in to replace the outgoing Phil Lord and Chris Miller (The LEGO Movie, 21 Jump Street), who were removed from their post due to creative differences over the film’s screenplay and general sense of tone. Too much humor, not enough Star Wars, essentially.

Nevertheless, just like Rogue One before it, Solo: A Star Wars Story has emerged relatively unscathed, with stunning, sun-kissed posters and full-length trailers now littering the interwebs. Indeed, it’s an exciting time for fans of Han Solo, as Alden Ehrenreich believes the Powers That Be are poised to unveil the smuggler’s “biopic.”

I think this movie is a great adventure story, and it’s a great adventure story that’s kind of a biopic in the way of a fictional character. So you’re watching this story unfold and enjoying the high excitement of that. And then at the same time, there’s more of a focus on character and how he changes, I think, than you typically get in that kind of movie.

That classic adventure story will presumably unfold across three distinct time periods, as previous reports have indicated that Ron Howard’s spinoff plans to chronicle Han’s galactic escapades between the ages of 18 and 24. Toss in Solo‘s A-list cast and you have all the makings of a bona fide hit.

Granted, there’s still no word on how Solo: A Star Wars Story is doing with test audiences, but we’ll be keeping you right up-to-date as we approach the film’s May 25th release date.